Root canal treatment is an instant pain reliever and the best treatment to retain the original teeth. A Root canal treated tooth serves its purpose and function just as a healthy tooth. A root canal is a capillary, which runs from the base of the root of the tooth to the middle of the crown (the visible part of the tooth). The root canal carries the pulp (a network of blood and nerve cells), which brings the tooth to life.

The nerve of the tooth gets damaged due to many reasons. One of the main causes is cavity in the tooth that grows deeper and touches the nerve. Since the cavity is filled with bacteria, the root canal gets inflamed and causes pain. Other reasons that may damage the teeth are accidental cracks or infection from gums reaching to the base of roots. In such cases, root canal treatments can easily stabilise the position.

There are two ways to get relief from the pain: perform the root canal therapy, or pull the tooth, clean the gum below, and replace the tooth with a denture or bridge. We advise removing teeth as a last resort natural teeth are the ones best suited for the mouth.

It's important to have root canal therapy done quickly. The bacteria will travel down the canal to the root and into the jawbone. If this happens, the pain of your toothache will spread to your jaw. Even more important, the infection can cause your jawbone to deteriorate and weaken the structure that holds your teeth.

The best way to avoid root canals is to take good daily care of your teeth to prevent the growth and spread of bacteria. Brushing and flossing are important. Just as important are regular trips to the dentist, to check for the first sign of decay or cracks that could eventually lead to an infected tooth. In this case, an ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure!

Symptoms of RCT

If you notice any of the following symptoms, schedule an appointment immediately:

(1.) Severe tooth pain.
(2.) Pain worsens when you lie down and reduces when you sit up.
(3.) Pain stays for a long time after consuming cold things.
(4.) Swelling around the tooth.
(5.) Constant tooth pain.
(6.) Pain when chewing.
(7.) Tooth pain referred to head and ears as well.
(8.) Tooth sensitivity on consuming sweets.

Non Surgical Root Canal Treatments

Non-surgical root canal treatment is a procedure directed towards saving an endodontically failing tooth. At times, the patient's existing artificial crown must be removed. In other instances, access through the crown may be possible. The access opening is created in order to give the dentist non-surgical access into the root canal space through the biting surface of the tooth.

Fortunately, the vast majority nonsurgical endodontic treatments are successful. Sometimes though they don't work as planned. Nonsurgical endoontic therapy is like any other medical procedure, with a small percentage that are unsuccessful. Whether it's called failing, unsuccessful, nonresponder, or it did not respond favorably, something has gone amiss.

Surgical Root Canal Treatments

Surgical root canal treatment is a procedural effort in which it is necessary to elevate a small flap of tissue adjacent to the involved tooth in order to gain access to and treat root canal disease. Surgical root canal treatments are usually minor, in-office procedures performed under local anaesthesia. Once the pathological area is exposed, the doctor performs a "curettage" to remove the diseased tissue from around the root. This is usually followed by an "apicoectomy," a procedure in which the diseased portion of the root is removed. A small filling is then usually placed to seal the remaining portion of the root. Surgical root canal treatment will oftentimes result in a good long-term prognosis for the tooth if the cause of pathology can be effectively eliminated.

One Hour Root Canal

Root canal treatment has traditionally consisted of multiple visits to the dentist. However, with recent advancement in research and instruments, we are now able to perform thorough root canal treatment more efficiently in a single visit. We treat one patient at a time and usually block off one hour for most teeth. Actual treatment time is usually less than one hour.

We pioneer in dental technology when it comes to patient care. We believe that the pains associated with needing a root canal should not carry over to a patient's personal time. We strive to provide the best possible treatment, at the best possible value, and in the quickest amount of time.